Connect to Jira

Brian Mohr Updated by Brian Mohr

Connect with JIRA

After the connection with Slack is established you will now create an Application Link connection with JIRA. This is JIRAs version of the same process that you likely just completed in Slack. The application will generate dynamic data for your connection and will guide you through the setup process.

Creating application links requires admin access in Jira.
  1. First, enter the full URL/address of your Jira instance.
  1. Next, allow the HelpDesk+ bot access to your Jira instance.
  1. Now, follow the on-screen instructions to setup your application link
  1. MOST IMPORTANT STEP - Save your connection data in the Nextup account portal. This saves your dynamic data and completes the connection. 
  2. Then, select one or more Jira Service Desk (or Jira software) from the drop down control.
  1. Then, choose your agent notification channel.
You have to complete all steps and save connection data for the bot to work correctly.

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